
Flipping Houses: Turning a Wreck into a Gem

About Me

Flipping Houses: Turning a Wreck into a Gem

Five years ago, I decided to start my own side business. Along with keeping my job as a construction worker, I decided to use my savings to purchase an older residence. The plan was to fix up the place and then sell it at a profit. It didn't take me long to figure out that while my side business would take up most of my free time, it would make me a lot of money. Today, I still flip three or four houses a year. My strategy developed through trial and error, and I've learned how to evaluate the potential of a property first, then buy second. I know what must be done in the way of exterior painting, making the place secure, and ultimately finding the right buyer. If you are thinking about trying this kind of sideline, read on. What I've learned will help you a lot.

Preparing For A Baby? Why Now's The Perfect Time To Install A Water Softening System

If you're expecting a baby and you're getting your home ready for the new arrival, now's the time to install a whole-house water softening system. You might not realize this, but a water softener is an essential piece of equipment, especially when you have a baby in the home. If you're not sure you need to invest in a water softening system for your new baby, read the information provided here. You'll find four ways you'll benefit from a whole-house water softening system. 

Ensure Fresh Water for Bottles

If you plan to formula-feed your baby, it's important that you install a whole-house water softening system. You might not realize this, but tap water can contain chemicals that are harmful to babies. In fact, tap water can upset a baby's delicate digestive tract. Unfortunately, this upset can lead to stomach upset, and digestive problems. To ensure that the water you mix your baby's formula with is fresh and chemical-free, invest in a whole-house water softening system. 

Protect the Baby's Sensitive Skin

When you have a new baby, you need to take steps to protect their delicate skin. Babies are susceptible to skin irritations such as eczema, which can cause extreme discomfort. That's where a water softener comes into the picture. Without a water softener, your baby is exposed to chemicals in the water that can cause damage to tender skin. The best way to protect a baby's sensitive skin is to install a whole-house water softening system as soon as possible. 

Use Less Laundry Detergent

There's no question that the amount of laundry you'll do each day will increase once you bring your baby home. That means the amount of laundry soap you use will increase as well. Unfortunately, increased detergent use means an increase in your laundry costs. One way to avoid the increased detergent use is to install a whole-house water softening system. You might not know this, but you'll use less laundry detergent once you have a water softening system in your home. As an added benefit, less laundry soap also means that your baby's clothing will last longer too. 

Keep Clothes Softer

Now that you're expecting a baby, you want to make sure that their clothes will be as soft as possible. Rough clothing fiber can irritate a baby's skin, which is why you need a whole-house water softening system. One of the great things about a whole-house water softening system is that your clothes come out of the wash much softer, which means your baby will experience less skin irritation associated with clothing fibers.