
Flipping Houses: Turning a Wreck into a Gem

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Flipping Houses: Turning a Wreck into a Gem

Five years ago, I decided to start my own side business. Along with keeping my job as a construction worker, I decided to use my savings to purchase an older residence. The plan was to fix up the place and then sell it at a profit. It didn't take me long to figure out that while my side business would take up most of my free time, it would make me a lot of money. Today, I still flip three or four houses a year. My strategy developed through trial and error, and I've learned how to evaluate the potential of a property first, then buy second. I know what must be done in the way of exterior painting, making the place secure, and ultimately finding the right buyer. If you are thinking about trying this kind of sideline, read on. What I've learned will help you a lot.

Keep, Store, or Remove: Eliminating Clutter in Your Home

Do you have too much stuff? For many people, holding on to things much longer than necessary can become a serious problem. Finding the right balance between what to keep in your home, what to keep in storage, and what to get rid of can be a consistent challenge. Here are some helpful hints on deciding what to do with some of the extra stuff in your life.

Plan for the future. Sometimes, determining what is necessary for you to keep includes thinking about how an item will be used in the future. For example, if you live in a very small apartment right now, but will be moving into a larger house at some point in the future, you may not want to get rid of large furniture, but it may not fit inside your home. In this case, a storage unit may be a great solution. On the other hand, if you know that you will be needing to rent a large moving truck, downsizing and getting rid or replaceable items may be a better option.

Remove multiples from your kitchen. In order to cut down on clutter, look around your kitchen. Unless you are a professional baker, you probably don't need four muffin tins or three coffee makers. These may be great things to consider selling or donating to charity. If your space is limited, but the duplicate items are special or important, such as 2 sets of your grandmothers' china, storage may be a better solution.

Sort mail as soon as it comes into the house. One of the fastest ways to let clutter enter your home is to check the mail. Paperwork and documents can quickly pile up if you do not have a system in place for dealing with them. While not every scrap of paper that enters your home is important, some are. In order to know what needs to be kept and what can be shredded or thrown away, consider how long each item needs to be kept. Some documents, such as tax information, need to be kept for seven years. However, some things such as utility and credit card bills can be shredded after they are paid. By sorting these things quickly, you can reduce the clutter before it is ever created.

Prioritize your stuff. Take some time each year to determine what is important to you, and what you can bear to part with. If you are unsure that you are ready to let go of an item, consider storing it for a while. If you don't miss it while it is in storage, chances are good that you probably do not need it. This works especially great for children's toys. If your child's room is overrun with stuff, paring down a few things is a great way to determine if they really need as much stuff as they have.

Take some time this spring to get rid of the clutter in your home. Your home will feel much nicer, and you will be glad you did. Talk to a professional like J & B Mini Storage for storage information.